Note : Those securities that have a 6 monthly average (full) market cap of more than Rs. 100 crores but less than Rs. 1000 crores and have more than 1000 public shareholders are classified in "XC" sub-segment. The balance securities are classified in "XD" sub-segment. Further, securities falling in 'DT' and 'T' groups at present that do not satisfy any of the above exclusions are classified under "XT" sub-segment. |
Date | Company | Agenda | Group |
13-09-2024 | Bigbloc Construction Ltd. | Bonus Issue | B |
13-09-2024 | Eastern Silk Industries Ltd. | Prefl. Issue | T |
13-09-2024 | Greenlam Industries Ltd. | Others | A |
13-09-2024 | Mac Charles (India) Ltd. | Scheme of Arrangement | X |
13-09-2024 | Mercury EV-Tech Ltd. | Prefl. Issue | B |
13-09-2024 | Niraj Cement Structurals Ltd. | Prefl. Issue | B |
13-09-2024 | Orient Technologies Ltd. | Quarterly Results | B |
13-09-2024 | Sellwin Traders Ltd. | Bonus Issue/Stock Split | X |
13-09-2024 | Viaan Industries Ltd. | Accounts/Quarterly Results | Z |
14-09-2024 | Bisil Plast Ltd. | Change in Directors | XT |
14-09-2024 | Ester Industries Ltd. | Prefl. Issue | B |
14-09-2024 | Indian Infotech and Software Ltd. | Raising funds through Debt Instr. | X |
14-09-2024 | MBL Infrastructure Ltd. | Issue of Equity Shares | T |
14-09-2024 | Nutraplus India Ltd. | Quarterly Results | Z |
14-09-2024 | Systematix Corporate Services Ltd. | Prefl. Issue | XT |
14-09-2024 | Veeram Securities Ltd. | Dividend | B |
16-09-2024 | AA Plus Tradelink Ltd. | Change in Other Executives | MT |
16-09-2024 | Akme Fintrade (India) Ltd. | Amendments in MoA | B |
16-09-2024 | Amber Enterprises India Ltd. | Others | A |
16-09-2024 | Antarctica Ltd. | Raising funds through Debt Instr. | B |
16-09-2024 | Checkpoint Trends Ltd. | Others | X |
16-09-2024 | City Pulse Multiplex Ltd. | Others | MT |
16-09-2024 | Evexia Lifecare Ltd. | Prefl. Issue | X |
16-09-2024 | Galaxy Agrico Exports Ltd. | Right Issue | XT |
16-09-2024 | Hazoor Multi Projects Ltd. | Scheme of Arrangement | XT |
16-09-2024 | Nagarjuna Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd. | Quarterly Results | B |
16-09-2024 | Navigant Corporate Advisors Ltd. | Others | MT |
16-09-2024 | Rajkamal Synthetics Ltd. | Prefl. Issue | X |
16-09-2024 | RDB Realty & Infrastructure Ltd. | Prefl. Issue | XT |
16-09-2024 | Sandur Manganese & Iron Ores Ltd. | Qualified Institutions Placements/Issue of Equity Shares | A |
16-09-2024 | Wardwizard Healthcare Ltd. | Raising funds through Debt Instr. | T |
17-09-2024 | Ashika Credit Capital Ltd.(Delisted) | Others | XT |
17-09-2024 | Easy Trip Planners Ltd. | Acquisitions | A |
17-09-2024 | Jonjua Overseas Ltd. | Right Issue | M |
17-09-2024 | Motor & General Finance Ltd. | Others | B |
17-09-2024 | Sonalis Consumer Products Ltd. | Prefl. Issue | MT |
18-09-2024 | Diksha Greens Ltd. | Change in Directors | MT |
18-09-2024 | Jupiter Wagons Ltd. | Interim Dividend | A |
18-09-2024 | Kumbhat Financial Services Ltd. | Others | XT |
18-09-2024 | SBI Cards and Payment Services Ltd. | Others | A |
18-09-2024 | Super Tannery Ltd. | Others | X |
19-09-2024 | Crestchem Ltd. | Others | XT |
19-09-2024 | SM Auto Stamping Ltd. | Others | M |
20-09-2024 | Apis India Ltd. | Quarterly Results | XT |
20-09-2024 | Godfrey Phillips India Ltd. | Bonus Issue | A |
04-10-2024 | Arihant Securities Ltd. | AGM | X |
05-10-2024 | Esha Media Research Ltd. | Accounts/AGM/Change in Auditors/Change in Directors | XT |
08-10-2024 | Julien Agro Infratech Ltd. | Stock Split | X |